So Much Better Now

I am so pleased with my major decisions and though they might seem rather self-centered….they are.  It is the only way to become and stay mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy.

You are gone.

You are back.

You know who you are and how those apply.

You are gone because it is done, over.  I said I wouldn’t go back to that place and I meant it.  My heart will always have love in it for you, I just cannot have you in my life because everything wrong ISN’T my fault.  Hypocrisy knows no limits.  Point the finger at yourself because you can no longer point it at me for a response.  My response is to ignore.

You are back.  Because we are good for each other and we make each other laugh.  We make each other strive to be our best selves.  

You are out there, hovering on the boundary, still a shadowy image but a powerful force in my life.  Mistakes and bad decisions interrupted our relationship.  But mistakes can be overcome and bad decision, learned from.  On my end, I will be the best I can be…not just for you, but especially for me….and I will always be kind, and supportive and welcoming you back.  

I am strong, committed, and confident, again.  Wow, that is an amazing feeling to have back in my life.  I like it.  

Be patient with me, I promise you, it will be worth the wait.  



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